The Torturer vs. Joan of Arc

Lusting ever, to provide everything to all the serfs - and failing miserably - and the state provided us with a couple of supporters last week. America, choose the hero:
In this corner we have the strong man and former Secretary of War Without Borders - "illegal little ruthless," sorry, them and the Secretary of Defense Richard Nixon, no softie himself, and described as the said bastard lived up to the praise you have a crook when he was honorable poohed severe torture. " ? I stand for 8-10 hours a day for what stands in "stress positions'] is limited to four hours [of Iraqi prisoners of war]," but he wrote several years ago on a note on the "counter-resistance techniques."
How does this model of cheese and brutal response to sexual assault? Cheerfully. "Donald Rumsfeld ... and stopped at the Chicago O'Hare Airport is down ... smiled through the security check." In fact, said that "even WAV [ed] to pass a group of soldiers." Hmmmm. I had assumed by crawling down, you know where would be a shame to be a man writhing in anonymity, not a source of inspiration to his fellow savages call "attention to humiliate him.
Predictably, the press ate him company. "The search for a person to identify Rumsfeld prove [sic] that the system does not differentiate, even in favor of the very famous," lectured ABC News.
TIME agree. "Is not above the law," the title of burbles, while singing a copy of it, "Donald Rumsfeld has besieged the Transportation Security Administration [TSA] huge service Wednesday" to "compliance for good luck ... and there is a possibility was never to show someone else very happy for it is constantly receives in the airport [Note to the missus:? you worried about the trends Baal your here, a girl means he will not be the first to hide the aspirations of him under the external male.] Rumsfeld will certainly be the perfect poster child for the TSA as they battle against critics who say that landing is, degrading and ineffective and an invasion of privacy. "
Get it, a peon? Sexual abuse of government is not "degrading and ineffective and an invasion of privacy," "critics" (read: whackos) just "say" it is. Instead, fondling the state is a privilege we must cherish and joy to our governor appears clearly. And yes, you may have lost credibility with the executioner for you, if ever (and I devoutly pray that he does not), but he clearly has in spades with the media companies. Beatify Yirol it to him, a Republican and even if it achieved the highest honor possible for a person in this world or the next generation even if it is, "work" of the state.
Well, I'm about to lose the cookies, too, so let's turn our choice to the other. It's little lady of 61 ", a producer and translator and author of the radio for their own account" of the state of Colorado. Hey, no need to do anything to win my vote: it is not unlike the executioner Leeched from our taxes for decades. I never say any customer forced to stand in "stress position" while translating it, either.
I should say to you alone that we have Amerika rivals in prison. Yes, while the pillars for free regardless of the suffering of war crimes, policemen, prison Yukari Miyamae overnight after being neglected with the ecstasy of glee at the prospects of TSA for sexually molesting her.We do not know exactly what happened; Ms. Miyamae account is very different from the media and on the agreement. As the last two a lot of reverence for the truth as does the executioner, so my money on a copy of Ms. Miyamae.
According to her lawyer, "said Ms. Miyamae says she and agents said TSA said it wants to broadcast on the gate metal detector. I did so out of concern for exposure to radiation excess of scanners for full-body, as is the business traveler repeated. Has refused her request. Soon was surrounded by by agents TSA. TSA worker and one a woman, tall, and she approached Ms. Miyamae, which is only five feet. I felt panicked and Ms. Miyamae witnessed volatile aversion to members of the TSA violated her personal physical space. felt endangered and threatened the basis of shock before the security is down , and the feelings of disgust at the possibility that touched on again in a violent and undignified, and instinctively pushed the female TSA agent away. "
The way to go, Ms. Miyamae! But Craven's bootlickers a few here and there, and the whole country cheers on defending yourself from these perverts! Small but powerful, than the fighting so far on the side of the angels, and quite heroic!
And aside from "[G] to pay" her attacker, Ms. Miyamae did not do anything illegal. It is also not her fault that we have a master's degree criminalize self-defense, and even recognize the herd instinct of gross immorality and demanded that the offers of the victims, and the dream, to abuse. Thus, flood the country to provide support to our hero. No wonder "denies it is doing something wrong."
And either do not wonder that the TSA or the police (and probably both) to speed up their reports. "'Sergeant Steve Martos, from the Phoenix Police Department, issued a statement saying:" A woman entered in the inspection area in the building No. 4 [Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, and became a controversy Oh Oh, and refused to broadcast by TSA staff. During the argument, the suspect, Yukari Miyamae (61 years), grabbed the breast of the employee TSA ", Martos said."
That was not enough for the other purple, "the police", so they embroidered. "Mrs. Miyamae ... grabbed called a TSA] agent 'left breast through her clothes, and the pressure and manipulation by both hands, without the permission of the victim," according to the police. "U: When one gives a permission like this? Certainly passenger TSA Gateway is not rape.
This is a blatant double standard that the herd is so immediately recognizable, this time as well. Readers of every article about Ms. Miyamae that allow comments you want to know why the TSA thugs to grope us with enthusiasm, but was arrested when we get back to him. They make fun of the advertising agency that scratching is a "national security" while the us is a crime. In fact, I was born to support the streaming of this parody of Ms. Miyamae unintentionally from the several floors of the same hypocrisy.
The biggest change refreshing and encouraging to a large extent from the last time a woman defended herself from the agreement. Phyllis was a retired teacher Dintenfass hairpins, which raised the metal detector in 2004. That gave Gostisha Anita, after 30 years of youth and sports, an excuse to feel the policeman. Ms. Dintenfass responded correctly to this attack, as did Ms. Miyamae: it warned idiot to leave her alone, and when words failed, fondled her and asked: "How do you want that?" For this, were arrested Ms. Dintenfass, accused, tried and convicted. Can be a judge sentenced her to one year in federal prison; settled instead of rebuking her, and asked her to stay out of trouble, have been fined, and sentenced to slavery society - er, and service.
I have gone most of the reports about Ms. Dintenfass down memory slot, so you have to trust me here: the overwhelming majority of readers commented at the time and stood by the agreement. shrilled them that the agency was all that remains of terrorists blowing us out of the sky, and Ms. Dintenfass endangered and every American with the contempt of their national TSA and public officials; doubt that the agency might have some problems, but have proved to be just in need of more money and power.
After seven years, TSA has been criticized in many good people so horrible protest Ms. Miyamae made her a star of the country, not only for those of us who love freedom. Although TSA thunder that "the Agency will not tolerate attacks against its workforce," Drop the Attorney General in Arizona the charges against our intrepid gal. Revenge dragon may still file a misdemeanor against it, but let's hope fans of Ms. Miyamae firm and many of our rulers to intimidate enough Scotch to those ambitions, too.
"She was surprised by all this, but a strong woman," said Ms. Miyamae lawyer in the ABC News. "It feels the way in which TSA-treated and the other is not dignified."
In fact, TSA considers a crime.


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